Current Blanc de Hotot Herd Bucks,
and promising young bucks.

A good buck is said to be the cornerstone of your herd, and the general type and fur in the animals that I have selected for my crosses I feel are shining examples of this!

Kelly's Captain Emo - Senior Buck
Emo has several legs for BOB and BOSB, including BIS at the 2011 Hotot Nationals in Columbus, OH.
Clark's C56 x Grapevine's Ingrid

Hinderman's Wolfgang - Senior Buck
Wolf is a HUGE massive buck sporting the longer correct coat.
Kurz 1929 X Hinderman's Mancelona

SEMB's Innovator - Junior Buck.
This buck has exceptional eye bands and type, and dense though slightly fly back fur. I believe this buck was the 2nd place to the BOB winning JRB. He has absolutely beautiful body type, but I would like to work on his slightly commercial fur for a few generations!

Kelly's Hildebrand - Junior Buck.
A very nice smooth large framed buck. This was my Pre Junior entry, and received very good comments at COnvention 2011. VERY clean tight eyebands. I bred his parents together before I received the Pedigree from the sire's breeder, and turns out they were littermates! Fortunately, they were the two best animals in my herd at the time, and complimented eachother beautifully in this crossing. 50% German Import on both sides!
Hinderman's Hannah x Hinderman's Wolfgang

Stock Availible Later:
To be announced.